Dangers Of Texting While Driving

texting-while-driving-150x150We take on a lot of responsibility when we get behind the wheel of a car. Weighing in over a ton, they can create serious havoc even when going “slow”. Because of this, we have to make sure we all maintain our awareness on the road. Recently, you might have seen news stories about the dangers of texting while driving. We go over why you should avoid it here.


Drinking and driving usually decreases your reaction time by a fraction of a second. However, this creates enough danger that we jail people who do so. When texting, most people tend to take their eyes off the road for much longer than that. Remember, 5 seconds at 55 miles per hour equals the distance of an entire football field.


  • The National Safety Council has reported 1.6 million crashes a year due to cell phone use.
  • Texting creates the most risk on the road of all cell phone usages.
  • 11 teenagers die daily due to texting and driving.

Here at J1 Auto Repair, we want to remind you to stay safe out there on the road. If you want to ensure your car does also, bring it by our shop or give us a call. You can reach one of our friendly team members at (630) 932-4427.